A Family Transformed

Irene and Wilfred are hardworking coffee farmers, dedicated to providing for their family of four. Before joining the project, financial constraints forced them to make difficult choices. They struggled to pay school fees, leading to frequent absences for their children. The lack of funds also prevented them from purchasing essential educational materials. To make ends meet, they were compelled to rent out their valuable coffee plantation, sacrificing potential income and control over their harvest.

Since joining the project, Irene and Wilfred's lives have undergone a positive transformation. They are now able to consistently pay school fees, ensuring their children's education. By taking back control of their plantation, they can optimize harvest timing, resulting in higher-quality coffee and increased income.

Looking ahead, Irene and Wilfred have ambitious plans to further improve their family's future. They aim to upgrade their home by replacing the grass roof with iron sheets, providing a safer and more durable shelter. Additionally, they aspire to expand their coffee plantation, boosting their yields and securing a sustainable income. With these improvements, they are confident in building a brighter future for their children and themselves.


A Father's Hope: Cash Transfers Change a Life


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