Investing in the Future: How Cash Transfers Changed a Family's Life
Joy and Sibanza are dedicated coffee farmers from and parents to seven children. They significantly improved their lives thanks to the unconditional cashtransfer program.
With the financial assistance, Joy and Sibanza have prioritized their children's education by paying school fees for their five children who are currently in school. They have also invested in improving their living conditions by plastering their house at a cost of UGX315,000 (80€), creating a more comfortable and healthier living environment for their family.
Looking ahead, Joy and Sibanza have ambitious plans. They aim to expand their coffee farm, a crucial step towards economic stability and self-sufficiency. They also plan to install electricity in their home, enhancing their quality of life and providing their children with better access to education and opportunities.
The story of Joy and Sibanza exemplifies how Unconditional Cash Transfers can empower individuals and families, leading to lasting positive change within the community.
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