“As a collective action & savings group, we no longer merely plan but execute the very plans”

As a form of collective action and a savings group, the additional income of the Tweyambe Women’s Group has not only enabled them plan but execute plans for the betterment of the community, most notably is the reduction in bars operating in the area which in turn is a domino effect to the mitigation of alcoholism and the harm caused in their families and the community as a whole.

Many of the savings groups found in places like Tweyambe are informal in nature and revolve around a set of people each contributing an agreed amount of finances per interval of time; a week, bi-weekly or monthly in some cases. The amount collected at each meet is then given to a member often selected at random or next in line to do with the collected finances as they wish.
Often many receipients of this savings method indulge in purchases that seek to better their life satisfaction such as materials for construction of better housing, more animals for their farming expansion and entrepreneurial adventures.

The entreprenurial adventures such as those undertaken by the Tweyambe women’s group have enabled them to divert from the usual bar operating & alcohol manufacture which as stated earlier has enabled reduction in alcohol consumption in the community.


Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in the DRC: A pilot study assessing the socio-economic effects in an artisanal mining zone of Maniema Province


Exploring the Sustainability of the Collective-Level Effects of Cash Transfers