The Complaints Management Committee

Establishment of a Complaints Management Committee / Gestion Des Plaintes (CGP). After presenting the mission to the village chief (MASIMELO, KINDU, DRC), the mission team set up a CGP.

The choice of CGP members was made by the community by crystallising the representation between customary power, civil society, the representation of young people, the representation of mothers and the representation of village resource people.

Behind closed doors, the members thus chosen, proceeded to vote for the different functions to structure a CGP.

The objectives of a MGP
Based on the definition of complaints, it was agreed that the objective of the MGP is to in place an effective procedure for managing complaints and other concerns from stakeholders in the project, in order to guarantee transparency and accountability of the project in its implementation. This will allow:

- Make available to people or communities affected or at risk to be affected by project activities, accessible, rapid, effective and culturally adapted to submit their grievances in relation to project commitments.

- Anticipate the occurrence of conflicts by dealing promptly and efficiently systematically resolving grievances or complaints within reasonable time limits.

- Improve dialogue between actors at different levels and establish a relationship of transparency and mutual respect with stakeholders.

- Prevent incidents and abuse of all kinds, including acts related to Violence Gender-Based (GBV) within beneficiary communities and authorities project management.

- Identify and address problems quickly before they escalate or reach a level that is difficult to manage.

- Limit all possible negative impacts linked to project action and generate appropriate corrective or preventive measures.

- Create a trusting environment that is gender sensitive and free from abuse of any nature.

- Ensure accountability to stakeholders and justification of compliance with commitments, strategies and policies provided for under the project.


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